Sunday, January 17, 2010

Earning Little By Little At The Work At Home Experiment

Wow !  Was so busy yesterday I didn't even have time to post !

I installed a couple of options on the blog here that allow me to see who and where people are coming from.  They both have basically the same info, only displayed a different way.  I really only did it because, well, they were free to begin with.  And although everyone can see the info, I did it for my own benefit.  One tells me from what site and what country people are visiting from.  The other displays the sites and tally's them up for me.  They are both customizable to an extent, and so far I have found them to be useful.  It makes me think, "Ok, I have a few people coming to visit the blog, so why didn't I get any clicks on my ads?  What didn't interest them advertising wise ?"  This is important to me to help me determine how to tailor the site to the visitors needs.

I signed up for a few different sites as well to check them out.  I will give updates on these companies, how they work, and my opinions on them as I go along.  I need to set up a different page or blog to send people if they want to be affiliates with me on these to try them out.  They are simple, free, and seem to be useful, but they will only create a substantial income if I accumulate substantial referrals.  The ones that earn the most with the least effort will garner my attention more as I move along as well.  I don't have a link to a page for the referral links yet, but when I do I will put it up so you all can go to check these programs out.  I will probably put a comment or two about them as I go along.  So I won't list the names yet.  I will update this post later, as well as write another post with that info when it is time.

Earned a little bit at myLot yesterday, too.  I only posted four times, and when the site updated, my earnings
went from $ 0.27 to $ 0.36.  Like I said in the title of this post, little by little...  This is the site, though, that I would love to have lots of quality referrals for, because of the 25% that you receive from their earnings.  Start out small, don't get crazy, be patient, and you won't get frustrated.  Just think where I could be, and YOU could be, in a year from now !  Check out my myLot referral link on the side.  As of right now, I AM recommending this site !  And you can be sure I will say something here if I find something I don't like...

I think I might go and set up that new blog for the affiliate links that I was talking about just a minute ago.  The reason I want a separate blog, since these are what are called PTC sites, I don't want them to clash with the Google AdSense system and get me banned with Google.  Once you lose Google, even if it isn't your fault, you can't get them back. ( told you I would be honest about stuff !)

I will update as soon as I can !  Until then, please donate to this blog if you can via the PayPal link.  Thank you !

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