Thursday, January 14, 2010

Work At Home Experiment Took Another Couple of Steps !

I didn't bother blogging yesterday since I was doing research and more nuts and bolts activities to the physical blog itself.  Also still exploring one of the sites I joined and have posted about.

But there two BIG pieces of news to tell you today !  One might not be super exciting to you, but it is to me because I have never done this before.  I opened a FACEBOOK account !  I have dealt with Myspace before, under duress I might add.  But I used it for a business which at this time will remain unmentioned.  And it was fairly successful as well.  I am hoping that I can use my Facebook as successfully this time.  I haven't done much with the profile yet though.  Just added one friend, because they have introduced me to several of their friends off line, and I think I can build quite a community with that contact.  They are all very nice people and avid web users.  Anyway, it really is a big step for me, and I hope it works out.

The other step I took is joining the Infolinks system.  Infolinks is an  in-text advertising system.  It seems pretty cool too !  As you read my posts you will see words that are a different color other than my standard white type.  Right now, that color is green.  I can make changes to the color, and choose double lines or dotted lines for the highlighted in-text advertising words.  You also choose the category of advertising and maximum amount of words you would like to become in-text advertising.

Setting up with Infolinks was a complete breeze !  After you sign up, they take you to a page that gives you the code you need to input into your website or blog.  You just copy it and paste it just before the "" tag in the html portion of your website or blog.

It took about a day for their system to start turning certain keywords into clickable links.  However, one of
things I noticed was that when I go to check my stats on earnings in my "Monetize" tab in the dashboard of my blog, my clicks jumped from 52 to 228 so far.  I think it is due to the Infolinks system and I hope it doesn't mess things up.  I don't want to lose my Google AdSense account because they are the best and losing them would defeat my whole purpose.  But we will see how it all pans out when it comes to payday time !

Another good thing about Infolinks is that they pay via Paypal.  Woo Hoo !  Loving that part because it is so easy.  You can choose your form of payment once they have your account actually active, which takes only a day or two.  And PayPal is not the only way to get either.  You can choose from a bankwire/ACH to your bank account, AND they have a debit card called the Payoneer Prepaid Debit Card.  I think that is actually pretty cool.  Kind of like PayPal's debit card.

I'm off now to try to get my Facebook a little more set up and invite some friends.  Maybe even play that Farmville ap !

Please donate to this blog if you can !

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