Friday, January 8, 2010

The First Stage - The Money Making Experiment Is On It's Way !

Well here it is ! The first run down on what I have dome so far ! Hopefully YOU can take this information and run with it. If anything special happens for you when you DO use it, please comment back and share the that information with everyone.

I am going to do this several posts because, honestly, I have had to do ALOT of things so far to get up and running. The biggest thing is with Google AdSense.

But maybe I am getting ahead myself ! Everything really started out as a basic idea that has a back ground story. It kinda goes like this....

I recently seen that movie about a relatively young lady that wanted to be a writer, but stuck in a dead end insurance company job and just plain unhappy. She also loved to cook, and found great comfort in knowing that when she mixed something together a certain way to create a dish, and followed instructions, she knew what she would come up with.

HER idea was to create a blog, which made her a writer, of course. And then she came up with the topic she wanted to write about...FOOD ! But not not just any ordinary food review. She came up with the idea to document her quest to cook however many recipes of Julia Child, in like, a year. I'm sure you have heard of the movie "July and Julia".

After seeing that movie, I was kind of inspired to do the same thing. But with the effect of helping other out who are trying to make money at home, just like me, and do it in a real, legit, not screwing around, don't wanna sell ice water to an eskimo sort of way. Maybe I will make money...maybe I won't. But you will know what I am doing, when I am doing it, and if what I am doing is working or not. And I will post how much I am making. And who knows, maybe we can do some things to make money together. Yeah, YOU, reading this blog, and ME the writer of it. There are programs out there for just that sort of thing !

Ok...I better not get off track. You and I can talk about all that kinda stuff later on. Right now, I just wanted you to know what it was that lead me in this direction, because I think the beginning is important. The "AH HA ! I have an idea !", part of things.

OK, so to sum everything up, I would say the first thing for anyone to do is to set up a blog, like here on or You will need to get a email address for it. Think of what you want to write about, come up with as catchy of a title as you can, follow Google's and the blog site's instructions on getting set up, and VIOLA ! You will be on your way just like I was.

If you do go the or route, don't fool around with the "MONETIZE" button though...not just yet. I learned the hard way, because is one of the ways you can make money on your site as well. But they have this thing about an "associates ID" number ? I can't figure out what that number is and for some reason I am having trouble linking things together. I thought it was my email address through Google's, as it is on a lot of sites.

At the very beginning with playing with my blog and trying to figure things out, I got a message that said something to the effect that if I didn't do something now with Amazon I would be subject to some other rules and yada yada. So I continued thinking I would mess something up if I didn't. And I DID want a strong relationship between my blog and as a money maker. Well, I don't know exactly what I did, but I don't have things up and running on the side yet. And I will keep you posted as I try to figure things out with that. If YOU run into the same thing as I did and get it figured out, let me know.

I don;t want this part of things to get too long, but I did want to add that blogging is not the only way. I have set up websites before, know just a little HTML. About enough to make me dangerous, but I can get by. So you can start out with the free websites to get started, just check how much they might be if you go to get ads removed, because later you WILL want to do that. And any affiliates that you eventually will want to sign up with don't want you have the free sites either, they will want you to have your own website address, or URL.

I will get into that later on as well. Of course, you KNOW that any website that has affiliate links on it makes money by having those links clicked. This blog is just that kinda of site. That is what we are trying to do here, whether it be a blog or any other type of website.

A very wise person once told me, "You NEVER get what you DON'T ask for !". I think he was right. So at this time I will ask you to donate via the PayPal link at the top of this blog. It is much needed, and along with links, is another vital way to make money. Please donate whatever amount you can.

Till the next post...

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